Found this tutorial on Martha Stewart's website. There is also a video. I LOVE TUTU's and Petti Skirts!!
I have to make this for my little princess. :)
Tools and Materials
Satin charmeuse (1 1/2 yards)
Nylon chiffon (about 3 yards -- see measurements below)
1-inch-wide ribbon elastic
Iron-on interfacing (1 1/2 yards)
1-inch-wide ribbon in coordinating color
Sewing machine
Needle and thread
Pettiskirts How-To
Cut the Pieces
1. Satin charmeuse: one 7 1/2-by-48-inch rectangle.
2. Iron-on interfacing: two 2-by-48-inch strips.
3. Nylon chiffon: six 3 1/2-by-46-inch strips; twelve 4 1/2-by-54-inch strips; enough lengths of 2 1/2-inch-wide strips to make 48 yards.
4. 1-inch-wide ribbon elastic: one 17-inch-long piece.
5. 1-inch-wide ribbon: two 18-inch-long pieces.Make the Waistband
1. Iron a strip of interfacing to the wrong side of the satin charmeuse rectangle along each long edge.
2. Fold the satin charmeuse piece in half widthwise (to make a 7 1/2-by-24-inch rectangle), with right sides facing each other. Match edges and pin along short side.
3. Starting at one end of the pinned short side, sew a seam along the side for 2 inches and backstitch to secure. Leave a 1 1/2-inch opening and begin sewing again to finish the edge, backstitching at both ends.
4. Flip the the waistband right side out and fold in half lengthwise by folding the top half in toward the center, matching the raw edges at the bottom. The fabric should be right side out on the inside and outside of the waistband. Press the fold and pin the raw edges.
5. Straight stitch all the way around the waistband, 1 1/4 inches down from the fold.
6. Straight stitch all the way around the waistband once more, 1 inch down from the first stitch line.
First Tier
1. Sew 3 of the 3 1/2-inch-wide nylon chiffon pieces together, end to end, to make one long strip. Repeat to make a second strip.
2. Shirr along one long end of each strip.
3. Attach the shirred side of one strip to the outer bottom raw edge of the waistband. Repeat with the second shirred strip and the inside bottom raw edge of the waistband.
Second Tier
1. Sew 6 of the 4 1/2-inch-wide nylon chiffon pieces together to make a long strip. Repeat to make a second strip.
2. Shirr along one long end of each strip.
3. Attach the shirred side of one strip to the bottom edge of the outer first tier. Repeat with the second shirred strip and the bottom edge of the inner first tier.
Ruffle Fluff
1. Sew enough 2 1/2-inch strips of nylon chiffon together to make two 24-yard long strips.
2. Shirr these strips down the middle of the strip (not along an edge as before).
3. Pin the stitched line of the shirred strip to the bottom edge of the outer second tier, and sew in place along the stitched line. Repeat with the second shirred strip on the bottom of the inner second tier.
Ribbon Elastic
1. On one end of the 17-inch elastic piece, attach a button. On the opposite end, sew a buttonhole.
2. Attach the 18-inch pieces of ribbon to each end of the elastic.
3. Attach a large safety pin to one end of the ribbon, and feed through the waistband channel.
4. Button the elastic and tie ribbon ends in a bow. Cut ribbon ends neatly to finish.
Fabric Flowers
Tools and Materials
2 colors of lightweight fabric, like the nylon chiffon used for the pettiskirts
Sewing machine
Needle and thread in coordinating color
Hot-glue gun and glue sticks
Small pin back
Embellishments: bows, sequins, appliques, etc.
Fabric Flowers How-To
1.Cut a strip of each color fabric 3 1/2 inches wide by 2 yards long.
2. Shirr each strip down the center of the strip.
3. Twist the shirred strips together.
4. Beginning at one end, roll the strip, securing it to itself every few inches with a needle and thread. Continue until you have reached the desired size of the flower. Cut off excess.
5. Using a hot-glue gun, attach a small pin to back of flower.
6. Embellish the flowers with bows, sequins, appliques, etc.
Do you have a link to the video tutu tutorial I can't find it?